Products / Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Magnetic Resonance Imaging Superstar 0.35 T

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Superstar 0.35 T

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Superstar 0.35 T

Superstar 0.35T MRI system is designed and developed to provide the optimal openness and patient comfort for a wide range of procedures, while providing excellent diagnostic image quality.
It combines Philips' advanced technology with Neusoft's Permanent Open Magnet. The Multi-Channel RF system and strong gradient configurations ensure advanced imaging capabilities for a wide range of clinical applications. Superstar has the highest performance and superior quality amongst all open MR systems.


  • Reliability of a 0.35T C-type Permanent Magnet with super open design;
  • Superior field homogeneity in all fields of view. --- 1.8 ppm in 36cm DSV Vrms;
  • Gradient strength of 26mT/m guarantees high spatial resolution imaging surpassing;
  • Outstanding Slew Rate of 67mT/m/ms allows for fast imaging;
  • Multi-Channeled, phased array coil technology;
  • Simplified user interface for quick patient set-up and maximum patient throughput;
  • Comprehensive scan packages;
  • Strong and stable performance;
  • Minimum slice sickness 0.2 mm.